ドラマの感想を英語で 『VIVANT』9話感想と最終回考察


直前の「VIVANT」祭り! 緊急生放送SPも見たのですが、こちらアメリカで、録画で見たので副音声部分が聞けなかったのが非常に残念でした!


I also watched ‘VIVANT Emergency Live Broadcast Special,’ but I watched it in the United States, so I couldn’t hear the secondary audio track, which was very disappointing!



英語だと: This episode was really captivating, and the story has progressed significantly. Learning about Beki’s poignant and dramatic past, and understanding how the current Tent came to be, made me feel relieved. It turns out that the group he leads is much better than I had expected.

poignant は痛ましいという意味。gを発音しません。

日曜劇場 VIVANT(上) (扶桑社文庫) 文庫



英語だと: However, I still can’t quite figure out what Nogi is thinking. It seems that meeting Beki has intensified his feelings towards his father and the Tent organization. But in the end, he confessed that he joined the Tent for Beppan… Did Nogi really leak information about Fluorite? And what is the actual purpose of Beppan, to begin with?


英語だと:Even if Nogi had some ulterior motive for carrying out Beppan’s mission, was it really necessary to intentionally avoid lethal shots and shoot his comrades there? Was it because he couldn’t get closer to Beki even after capturing the lower-ranked members of the Tent? Or was his ultimate target Beki? Commander Sakurai from Beppan seemed surprised as well, and it really did appear as if Nogi had turned traitor…”



  1. 誰がテントの最終標的が日本だと言ったのか?これは今のところデマのような気がします。テントの真の目的は孤児の救済なので。
  2. 誰がテントの内通者で、別班メンバーの病院での写真を撮ってテントに送ったのか。
  3. 誰がフローライトのことをリークしたのか。


What’s bothering me is:

  1. Who claimed that Japan is the ultimate target of the Tent? This currently feels more like a rumor, as the Tent’s true mission is the salvation of orphans.
  2. Who acted as an insider for the Tent and took pictures of Beppan team members in the hospital, then sent them to the Tent?
  3. Who leaked information about Fluorite?”




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